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Find GYFite...

2+ stallites, alumni in 90+ campuses. Search and reunite today.

All GYFites, all together, all in one place. All right now!

The GYF Directory just got a major upgrade! Update your profile today and start making more meaningful connections in the only place where everyone is a GYFite. Customizable search and filters make it easier to find and connect with alumni, access your Account, curate your profile, and more.



Explore the GYF member database with simple and elegant search features.



Connect with GYFites. Stallites and Alumni. Home and Abroad.



Locate GYF fellowships around you and Nationawide.

How it works?

All you’ll need is a name!

1. Type a name

Type a name in the search box and we will find your GYFite

2. Customize your search

Start typing a name on the Alumi or Members page and we will find your GYFite

3. Get Campus Details

Start typing a school name and we will get all GYFites on that campus


Can't find your name, click HERE to submit details

2. Upload details

Fill your correct information on the form that shows up with and click submit.

3. Get Listed

Your details will be reviwed and you get listed on the directory. Great work!